
I also code, operate printing presses, and feel at home behind a camera.

In case you missed it, I'm Megan. I grew up in Baltimore, Maryland, and currently live in Western New York. I almost went to RIT and was accepted into their Graphic Design program, but I declined and went to Pennsylvania College of Technology because it was closer to home. I received my B.S. in Graphic Design with a Graphic Communications minor. Ironically, I ended up falling in love with the guy from Buffalo in college and moved up to WNY anyway.

“A jack of all trades is a master of none, but oftentimes better than a master of one.”

I know... a quote, how awkward, but I identify with it. I live by that second part of the quote; I love learning new things, keeping up to date with what is going on in new and old technologies. Am I the only web designer out there who also can operate printing equipment from the late 1800s? I hope not, if you know them, introduce me.

I love being involved in all parts of the creative process. I enjoy collaborating with other talented individuals; at the end of the day, it makes better work.

Currently, I am the Assistant Director for Web Design at SUNY Brockport. I recently redesigned the homepage, main navigation, and main landing pages of Brockport's website. I freelance through my business Peanut Line + Co.. I work on branding and photography for small businesses, and making letterpress hand-printed goods. I completed my MFA for Visual Studies at the Visual Studies Workshop with a concentration in Non-Profit Arts Management. Did I say I love learning? Because I do.

Megan working
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Branding is what I love. I love bringing a concept for a new business to life. Giving an idea a life and an identity is exciting.

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UI/UX Design

I have spent several years designing interfaces for SUNY Brockport and beyond. It is a true skill to have a great design that works, and is also invisible to the user.

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Print Design

This is the backbone of my work, where I started and where I return to. Not only can I make effective print designs, I can also operate presses.

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I see the camera as an extension of myself, I feel at home behind one. Finding the light is something I can say I truly love.

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Front-End Development

I have always been a firm believer in understanding the output of your design and knowing how it all works. HTML and CSS is where I shine.

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Digital Marketing

Over the years I have done more and more with digital marketing from banners ads to landing pages to understanding analytics and entire integrated campaigns.